The Brewers in Scotland section, which seems to be proving quite popular now has labels from towns up to Dundee. The alphabetically aware amongst you will realise that the Edinburgh Breweries are up next and that may take a week to sort, but please be patient and keep looking. Also Keith mailed me with this message
‘Came across some old floppy discs with scans I did years ago – mostly Norfolk. Might be good for website’.
After the shock of the reference to floppy discs, I thought I would let you decide whether they might be good for the website. All are in the Gallery in the appropriate section, labels from these breweries: Cooper-Brown & Co. Norwich, Cooper-Brown & Day, East Dereham & Norwich, J B & H Morgan, Norwich, which may or may not be the predecessor to Morgans Brewery Ltd, and Smith & Carmen, Norwich. I had to look all of them up as they were all completely new to me.
1 Comment
28 August, 2014
at 9:27 am
When we get around to Norfolk, they will certainly need to be included. They are really good & you will be delighted to know that you are not alone, without Century I wouldn’t have had a ‘scooby’ Rhyming slang I believe and before all you Cockneys have a go, yes I know it is not original. Language evolves allegedly.