Chester Northgate Brewery Co Ltd

The Chester Northgate Brewery was founded around 1760. The Northgate brewery was built in 1850. Greenall Whitley of Warrington and St. Helens acquired the company in 1949, and continued to brew there until 1969, when the brewery was closed and subsequently demolished..

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Chester Northgate Brewery Co. – Brown Ale
Chester Northgate Brewery Co. – Brown Ale
Chester Northgate Brewery Co. – Light Dinner Ale
Chester Northgate Brewery Co. – Light Dinner Ale
Chester Northgate Brewery Co. – Milk Stout
Chester Northgate Brewery Co. – Milk Stout
Chester Northgate Brewery Co. – Old Chester
Chester Northgate Brewery Co. – Old Chester
Chester Northgate Brewery Co. – Pale Ale
Chester Northgate Brewery Co. – Pale Ale
Chester Northgate Brewery Co. – Table Beer
Chester Northgate Brewery Co. – Table Beer
Chester Northgate Guinness pre 1936
Chester Northgate Guinness pre 1936
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