A few things to report. Firstly in response to what I consider a very positive set of comments about the recent addition of labels from the pre-prohibition era in America, a number of additional labels have been added. Early labels from Coors and Anheuser Busch are there, the Coors because I think it is particularly attractive and the Busch because of the magnificent brewery scene. It is also worth noting the Busch label has alcohol less than 2.75%, indicating that it was first used in 1917 to comply with wartime restrictions.
Also note the spelling mistake on the Albany label together with the ‘recommendation’ by ‘medical men’, the detail about the bottling process on the Augusta, Georgia label and the Mount Joy Light which is made from ‘Malt, Hops and drops of dew’. Beautiful, you wont find that on a Courage label.
Finally the Weber Brewing label! A celebration of manual labour followed by a beer which is guaranteed under the 1906 Food & Drugs act.
What is there not to love?
Finally a thank you to Mike J who has sent in scans of some of his collection of Mellersh and Neale labels. Some lovely examples. Go take a look. You should re-read that sentence. Yes! We have had a response to adding to the sum of knowledge about brewing and labels.
9 January, 2015
at 9:44 am
My name is John Simpson. Could you put some labels from Simpson’s Brewery, which was in Baldock, Hertfordshire, on your website. Thank you.
9 January, 2015
at 1:12 pm
I hope you respond positively to John’s request. I sometimes think there is a lot of beer label snobbery going on. Not everybody is only interested in labels from breweries we’ve never heard of, only issued before World War 2 and someone paid silly money for. I want to see later labels as well, perhaps even with the minimum contents when the design is interesting.