I have always assumed the top label was an early label produced by Guinness themselves until I was sent the bottom label which probably wasn’t from Guinness themselves. Does anyone know who the bottlers were? The Pilsener label was printed in Glasgow.
8 March, 2019
at 12:36 pm
Perhaps the clue to the bottler is in the cypher which is on the right hand medal on both labels. Looks as if it could be “CB.”
8 March, 2019
at 1:27 pm
If the cypher is indeed C B it could be an abbreviation for “Compass Bottling” of “Compass Brand” which was used by Johnson, bottlers of Liverpool
8 March, 2019
at 5:43 pm
I have also had a reply from Dave Hughes He says : ‘These are J P O’Brien labels. Seems like you need a copy of my book A bottle of Guinness please. It details all the early export bottlers and old label types.’
I do have a copy of this excellent book and I couldn’t find the picture.
Compass Brand was used by Johnson and then McFee after takeover. O’Brien used Cascade Brewery and Cascade Brand so it could have been that. David Hughes says O’Brien used dozens of different brands in different markets.
8 March, 2019
at 6:54 pm
On the bottom of page 118 Dave mentions ‘Gold Medal Brand’ amongst other brands. So that should solve the question. Although the Trade Mark was not registered and it was also used by the Phoenix Brewery for its export to the UK.
9 March, 2019
at 8:18 am
I’d be interested to know who the brewer was of the Pilsener.