The Labologists Society Constitution
(As revised by the Society’s AGM 18th September2021)
1. Name.
The name of the society shall be the LABOLOGISTS SOCIETY.
2. Objects of the Society.
The objects of the Society shall be as follows:-
- to promote and disseminate knowledge of the hobby of label collecting and information relating to breweries and allied subjects;
- to make, as far as possible, labels available to members by way of exchange or sale at reasonable prices; and
- to provide and encourage opportunities for members to meet and correspond with fellow collectors to mutual advantage.
3. Membership.
- Applications for Membership will be considered by the Committee who have the right to accept or decline the application. Subject to this, membership of the Society shall be open to all persons, irrespective of nationality, who pay the annual subscription. Such payment shall entitle a member to all the facilities and activities of the Society but he/she shall undertake to abide completely by the Constitution of the Society.
- The Committee may admit to Corporate Membership any Company, organisation or person likely to contribute any item, items or information enabling the objects of the Society to be effected.
4. Termination of Membership.
A member of the Society shall cease to be such if :-
- he/she notifies the Chairman of a desire to resign; or
- more than two calendar months have elapsed since the expiration of their subscription on the date for renewal; or
- the Committee considers a serious breach of the Constitution has occurred and accordingly orders the expulsion of a member, or if (subject to an appeal procedure) the Committee considers that a member has acted against the interests of the Society
5. Subscriptions.
- Levels of subscription for membership shall be fixed by the Committee with the approval of an Annual or Special General Meeting and the Committee shall have regard to the age and country of residence of members and any other relevant factors when fixing such subscription levels.
- All subscriptions shall be renewable in full on 1st April of every year except when new members have enrolled between 1st January and 31st March of the same year.
- Subscriptions for Corporate members (as defined in 3b above) shall be at five time the normal membership rate for individual UK members.
6. Officers.
- The Society shall elect the following officers at the Annual General Meeting:- Chairman; Treasurer; Secretary/Meetings Secretary; Membership Secretary; Newsletter Editor; Sales Officer; Brewery Liaison Officer; Communications Officer
- The Auditor shall be appointed at the Annual General Meeting.
- All Officers and Committee members shall hold office for one year and shall be eligible for re-election.
- A record of attendances of all Committee members shall be maintained and shall be circulated to all members of the Society before each Annual General Meeting.
- The Committee shall have the power to co-opt members of the Society on to the Committee to fill vacancies which arise between Annual General or Special Meetings, provided that no more than three vacancies may be filled by co-option in any year.
- The Chairman, when present, shall act as non-voting Chair at committee meetings, but may cast a deciding vote in the event of a tied vote.
- It is permitted for the same individual to be elected or appointed to more than one, but no more than two, of the posts specified at 6a) above.
- Committee members shall act in the best interests of (and to the benefit of) the Society and its members.
7. Meetings.
- An Annual General Meeting shall be held between May and September (inclusive) in every year for the purposes of:-
- electing officers and members of the Committee
- presenting the annual accounts of the Society
- conducting such other business as the Committee may decide.
- Meetings of the Society for the purposes of exchanging and/or selling labels and providing an opportunity for members to meet fellow collectors shall be convened as appropriate by the Committee.
- The Committee shall also have the power to call Special General Meetings to consider such business as it considers proper.
- The Committee shall meet at least three times in each year.
- The Chairman, if present, shall preside over any General or Special Meetings of the Society. In their absence the meeting shall elect its own Chairman.
- The Committee shall be considered quorate if a majority of committee members are present.
8. Financial Year.
The Financial Year of the Society shall be 1st April to 31st March.
9. Newsletter.
- The Newsletter Editor shall publish and distribute a printed Newsletter to all members at least four times throughout the year
- No member shall reproduce or use any article published in the Newsletter for private monetary gain, except for the author of such an article and any member or officer wishing to use any article other than for private use shall obtain the written consent of the Newsletter Editor or Committee and shall give an appropriate acknowledgement.
- The Society may, at its discretion, respond to requests to include material for distribution with the Newsletter in quantities and at a charge per issue to be set at the discretion of the Committee. All preparation will be the responsibility of the person(s) submitting such material.
10. Postage.
All members requesting items for sale through the Newsletter shall pay the full cost of postage, preferably in advance. All correspondence to overseas members shall be sent by surface mail except where payment for air mail rates has been made in advance.
11. Amendments to the Constitution.
The Constitution may be amended by any Annual General or Special General Meeting but shall require a vote of two-thirds (2/3) of those present and voting.
12. Winding-up of the Society.
The Society shall not be wound up except by a resolution supported by at least two-thirds of the members present at a Special General Meeting duly convened by the Committee for that purpose. At least thirty days’ notice of such a Special Meeting shall be given to all paid up members of the Society. The Special Meeting shall determine the future of the Society and the distribution of any assets.