Advent Calendar Day 16

Today is competition day. Which one of these labels is the odd one out?







  • Fascinated by beer labels

    It’s the Julbock!. The only one with a picture of something you can make into a curry.

  • Trevor Chalmers

    Not sure I fancy ram curry – them horns could be a bit chewy!

  • Fascinated by beer labels

    Ah! But goat curry has to be one of the finest available from the Kool Runnings Jamaican takeaway.

  • Yorkshire Terrier

    The only picture showing something you would want to ride on is the Jouluolut.

  • Jeffrey

    Three of them I would not like to be lying beside.

  • Fascinated by beer labels

    The odd one out is definitely the Delirium Tremens, it’s the only one that will deliver what it promises.

  • Blitzen

    I think Fbbl has it right. Hic zzzzzz

  • Peter D

    I can now see what Trevor means about the Julbock. It does look more like a ram than a goat. Still I am sure there are bits of it that would curry nicely.

  • Peter D

    Correct answer is of course, the Christmas Cracker, and not for the sort of reasons that would follow a few pints of it.
    And that’s the reason. It is the only beer that I have consumed in any quantity.

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