Annual General Meeting – Saturday 4th June

We are delighted to advise you that this year’s AGM is to be held on Saturday 4th June at Harvey & Son (Lewes) Ltd, Bridge Wharf Brewery, Lewes, BN7 2AH.


Many of you will have visited Harvey’s before, so will know that a good day will be had by all. May we suggest that you aim to arrive at around 12.00, so we may start the meeting promptly at 13.00. Following the meeting there will another auction of labels from the Des Clarke collection. Anyone who attended the recent London meeting, will know that there will be a good selection of labels to suit all collectors & budgets.

So, whats not to like and we therefore expect a good turnout. Of course there will be Harvey’s excellent ales to help us thru any contentious issues and to celebrate or commiserate, following the auction.

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