Brasserie De La Chasse Royale Bruxelles Belgium

The ‘Royal Hunt’ Brewery was built in an area of Brussels which had been used as a Royal hunting ground many years before. It closed in 1968.

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Vox Pilsner 3
Vox Pilsner 3


  • Spot the difference #85; Brasserie de la Chasse Royale | The Labologist's Society

    […] Brasserie De La Chasse Royale, Bruxelles, Belgium […]

  • Kris Redant

    R.C.B (french) or H R B (flemish) is actually the official commercial register number (RC = Registre Commercial or HR = handelsregister) of the company, the B stands for Brussels region .
    This type of numbering was already introduced in 1924 (and not in the 50’s as on the page) and not only for breweries but for all official companies

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