We move back to my home territory for the next label which dates from the first decade of the 20th century. It comes from the small industrial Thames-side town of Northfleet just a couple or so miles to the west of Gravesend and my birthplace. I was well aware of the brewery long before I started collecting labels as I used to see it as I went to the local library. The brewery tower is still there in Dover Road, although for many years the premises have been used as the local traders club and all the brewing equipment (as well as most floors in the brewing tower) disappeared years ago. Early in my collecting career I was given a neckstrap from a New Northfleet Brewery beer, I don’t know which one but it does have a picture of a parlour maid in the central roundel and their slogan on it “The Last Drop”. Clearly that whetted my appetite as I sought for a long time before obtaining a full label. With its connection to my home town, its age and the traditional design, on all counts this has to be one of my favourite labels.
1 Comment
19 October, 2017
at 8:03 pm
I really like this label. Perfect combination of colours and Northfleet was close to where I grew up. Just wish it was in my collection.