Shanklin Brewery Co Ltd

The brewery was previously owned by a Frank Saunders of Coppin’s Brewery, Newport and Herbert Hoare, when it was known as H. Hoare & Son. The brewery was registered as the Shanklin Brewery Co Ltd in 1944. They owned no tied houses, but continued to supply a small number of off licences, local farmers and farm hands and in the early days private houses. The brewery closed in 1953, unable to compete with national brewers.

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Battleship Brown Ale
Battleship Brown Ale
Battleship Export
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Battleship Light Ale
Battleship Light Ale
Chine Ale
Chine Ale
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Hoare’s Shanklin Ale
Hoare’s Shanklin Ale
Old English Ale
Old English Ale
Special Barley Ale
Special Barley Ale
Special Barley Ale
Special Barley Ale
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Special Barley Wine
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