The Taff Vale Brewery was founded by David Williams in 1877. A new brewery was built in 1904. D. Williams & Co.(Merthyr) Ltd was registered in 1922. In 1936 the Company was acquired by Andrew Buchan of Rhymney. Brewing probably continued for a short while and the address of the company on the labels changed to reflect the new owners. There were three sizes of most of the labels for quart, pint and half pint bottles. As far as I can tell, the labels were identical in design, but scaled to fit sizes of 133mm, 110mm and 95mm. However, the only Special Ale I have is 105mm tall.
Taff Ale
Taff Amber Ale
Taff Extra Stout
Taff Home Brewed Ale
Taff Home Brewed Ale after takeover by Buchans of Rhymney