Label Of The Year – Thru The Lens

Just uploaded some pictures of our afternoon at Phipps NBC Ltd, I believe these were taken by Maggie & Val. So thank you ladies for recording some of the highlights of the day. If you follow this link you will be able to see who & what was happening. LOTY 2015 – The Photos

We would once again like to thank all those breweries, who took the time & trouble to enter their labels in this year’s competition. Also our thanks go to those bottling companies. who are very supportive of LOTY & its charitable efforts, and often persuade breweries to enter the competition. Without the help of certain members of our Society, LOTY would be both harder to organise & poorer in content, so specifically thank you Keith & Bernie and of course those other people in the Society who help out behind the scenes and on the day.

So time for a break now and then we begin planning for LOTY 2016 in the New Year.

Cheers, Pete S

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