Liverpool Bottlers and their brands #24

 Sim and Coventry were the forerunners of the company but we have no idea when the original partnership dissolved. Liberty Ale would imply dates of either 1918 or 1945, but John Coventry Ltd were no longer operating by 1948. It is possible that the earlier label dates from WW1 and the later label from WW2. Who knows. We are grateful to Mick Jagger for allowing us to use the image of the labels which are in his collection.sim-coventry


  • Fascinated by beer labels

    Surely you don’t expect us to believe that Mick Jagger is a beer label collector?

  • Paul McC

    Of course he is, we often see him at meetings.

  • Roger D

    Who are label collectors!

  • Peter D

    Paul. McC. We do see him, but at the end of an auction, I have never heard him sing ‘You can’t always get what you want’.

    Roger D. The people who contribute to the success of this website.

  • Will S

    We few, we happy few, we band of brothers!

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