For those of you who are not regular visitors to your In Box. It may well be an opportune time to have a gander.
Our first E-Auction was mailed out electronically (of course) last night.
So have a look, there may well be some labels you wish to bid for.
Needless to say it is strictly (no dancing required) Members Only.
If you know of a fellow member, who does not have email/internet access, print off the files & pass them on please. I am sure you would be happy to forward their bids also.
See the Bid Submission Form for full details, if we have a good response to this trial, then the E-Auction is likely to become a regular event.
Yes, we know some of you will absolutely hate the idea, but it is the way forward & it is relatively cheap to do.
If you have not received the email, then it is likely we do not have your current/latest email address. Pop over to our contact page & email members @ & we will send you the relevant files.
Happy bidding to you all
Cheers Pete