Railways #1 – Swindon’s Finest

Okay, so here we go with the first offering from our February theme. As with many of the labels this month, this label is of fairly recent production.

However the locomotive depicted is Great Western Railway 7037, named Swindon after the town where it was built in 1950.

Swindon was the last ‘Castle’ class loco to be built. Sorry I just could not resist giving January’s theme one ‘final blast on the whistle’.

Swindon #1

Finally becoming the victim of ‘progress’ in 1963, although a number of ‘Castle’ class locos are preserved around the UK.


  • Fascinated by beer labels

    Can I just say that I have thoroughly enjoyed your theme for January. Really interesting labels from different countries and all brought up little snippets of history. Well done.

    And now another theme which promises just as much. I might even be tempted to try out the beers. Keep it up please.

  • Dale Adams

    So you are out to catch a train in February! Should be a good journey! I think you are on the right track! I hope loads of individuals out there submit a labels for this theme and don’t get left at the station! (Do you think that is enough puns or am I on the wrong track??!!)

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