Site update; Thomas Wethered and Coronation labels

Thank to Peter Williams in Australia for a number of additional images of Thomas Wethered labels. Of particular interest is the Guinness label which seems to be in the same series as the wartime, reduced size labels. However, at the time of issue, the Company was controlled by Strongs so this label must be after 1949. Probably the stock of wartime labels enabled them to be used until after the takeover by Strongs.

Also a big thank you to Keith for providing further Coronation labels.   We have placed the Bentley & Shaw Regalia Ale in both 1953 and 1037.  The ABBC bottlers list gives the 1937 as Coronation Ale (Regalia) in two sizes, and the 1953 as Regalia Ale. Keith is convinced the illustrated label is  1937; we await further viewpoints. Both Hydes, both Fussells, Hanson and Matthews of Gillingham added. The set is almost complete.

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