An excellent response to this post, thank you to all who responded. I did miss the reference to O’Brien’s Gold Medal brand in David Hughes book.
I believe O’Brien bottled lagers from Allsopp, Wm. Younger and Red Tower. I would guess that this Pilsener was brewed by Allsopp.
Here is the Gold Medal brand label from Phoenix Brewery in Amersfoort, courtesy of Onno. I thought you might be interested in the design similarities
1 Comment
10 March, 2019
at 12:52 pm
Traditionally a gold medal is awarded at trade exhibitions and breweries are proud to show these on their labels. However I cannot find any in 1898 that suits this one. On Wikipedia you can find a list of BIE recognized and non recognized fairs, but….
So my conclusion is this ‘gold medal’ is just a it is just a fake name for a trademark registration.
If anyone has a better isea?