Spot the Difference #194; Hammonds United Breweries> Guards Ale

I have seen plenty of labels, both from Hammonds United and Tadcaster Tower which states bottled at York & Darlington, but this is the first time I have seen labels which listed which one. I guess this was so that very keen drinkers could try to distinguish the two. Guards Ale was still brewed in Huddersfield; it was a Bentley & Shaw Strong Winter Beer.


  • M. Toft

    Hammonds Bradford Brewery Co. Ltd; acquired Bentley & Shaw Ltd; in 1944. Guards Ale is thought to have been Jubilee Ale, and introduced in 1936. HUB had a celebration in 1957 at the Alexandra Hotel, Great Horton Road, Bradford.
    From around 1957 the Guards was pasteurised. At least one brew of Guards was carried at the Tadcaster Tower Brewery in the late 1950s, probably during the TV and newspaper advertising campaign from October 1957.
    I knew Hammonds had a depot at Darlington.

  • M Toft

    P.S. The celebration in 1957 was for the 21st anniversary of the first brewing of Guards.

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