
Label of the Year

Once again our Label of the Year Competition was well supported with numerous breweries (some of which I admit to not having heard of before!) submitting labels. The judges’ task

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Label Of The Year 2018 – The Results

Standard Label Commemorative Label Set of Labels 1st Place – Intrepid Brewing Co Ltd 2nd Place – Windermere Brewing Company 3rd Place – Loch Lomond Brewery Ltd

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Label Of The Year 2016 – The Results

We are delighted to announce that LOTY 2016 has raised £1,125 each for the Heckington Area Volunteer Car Service & Lincs. Ark, a local animal rescue charity. This year’s charities were nominated by

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Label Of The Year 2015 – The Results

We are delighted to announce that LOTY 2015 has raised £2,400 for Cancer Research UK. This year’s charity was nominated by our hosts for LOTY 2015, Phipps NBC Ltd This brings

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Adam Leese Design StudioWebsite by Adam Leese Design Studio