If you have tried adding a comment to any of the threads on this blog recently, you may have found that the web site would not accept your comment. I certainly have had problems.
It appears that due to a recent upgrade to the background electrickery, registered users must log in on the home page before being ‘allowed’ to post a comment. Now you are no doubt wondering if you are a registered user. Well if you are a member of the Society & have in the past received a user name & password, then ‘Yes’ you are.
So I am afraid you will need to dig out those bits of information & get into the habit of logging on. You could also visit the members forum, once you have logged on. The forum will be delighted to to hear from you, as it is feeling somewhat neglected.
If you are one of our contributors, who are not as yet a member. Then you can add comments as you have in the past.
Sorry if this puts anyone off due to all the extra keywork, but at present that is how it is. But at least you now know why.