Kirkstall Brewery Co. Ltd.

Keyword search

No 3 Extra Strong 1920s
No 3 Extra Strong 1920s
No 5 Extra Strong late 1920s
No 5 Extra Strong late 1920s
No1 Pale Ale 1920s
No1 Pale Ale 1920s
Nut Brown 1920s
Nut Brown 1920s
Nut Brown Ale Dutton era
Nut Brown Ale Dutton era
Pale Ale 1930s
Pale Ale 1930s
Pale Ale 1930s
Pale Ale 1930s
Pale Ale late 1930s
Pale Ale late 1930s
Pale Ale stopper labels 1920s
Pale Ale stopper labels 1920s
Special Mild 1920s
Special Mild 1920s
Special Old Ale
Special Old Ale
Special Pale 1920s
Special Pale 1920s
Strong Yorkshire Ale pre 1920
Strong Yorkshire Ale pre 1920

1 Comment

  • Judith Gardiner

    Published research information has stated that Benjamin, the eldest of the brothers, purchased the brewery in 1845. However it was their father, John the elder.

    The following notice was issued in the London Gazette on 16th January 1857, page 191. It read as follows:
    (© The British Library Board, 16th December 2009, printed with permission)

    Notice is hereby given, that the partnership hereto fore subsisting between us the undersigned, Benjamin Dawson and John Dawson the elder, in the business of Brewers, carried on at Kirkstall, in the parish of Leeds, in the county of York, under the style or firm of Benjamin Dawson and co, hath been dissolved by mutual consent –

    Dated this 14 day of January, 1857
    Benjamin Dawson John Dawson

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