Russells & Wrangham Ltd

The Company was registered in 1897, when James Russell and Son of the Derwent Brewery in Malton acquired William Wrangham Ltd of the Crystal Brewery, also in Malton. The Company survived until 1958 when it was acquired by the Melbourne Brewery of Leeds,. It finally closed in 1969. The Winner trademark seems to date from 1937 and almost certainly refers to John Scott, a successful trainer who established the Whitewall Stables in Malton in the 19th Century. He won 41 British Classic Races in his career.

Keyword search

Prince Ale 1954
Prince Ale 1954
Prince Ale c1954
Prince Ale c1954
Prince Ale c1954
Prince Ale c1954
Stout pre 1897
Stout pre 1897
Strong Ale 1900s
Strong Ale 1900s
Triple Crown Ale 1960s
Triple Crown Ale 1960s
Winner Ale 1930s
Winner Ale 1930s
Winner Ale 1960s
Winner Ale 1960s

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