Mann, Crossman & Paulin Ltd

The Albion Brewery was built in 1808 and James Mann was in sole control by 1926. Cross and Paulin joined the company in 1846, the company was registered in 1901. The bottling stores at Raven Row, originally the site of the Whitechapel workhouse, were built in 1901. I don’t know how long they were used for or how long the address was used in the labels. The company merged with Watney, Combe Reid in 1958 and brewing continued here after the closure of the Stag brewery in Pimlico. Final closure came in 1979.

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Barley Wine 1920s
Barley Wine 1920s
Barley Wine 1930s
Barley Wine 1930s
Barley Wine 1940s
Barley Wine 1940s
Barley Wine 1950s
Barley Wine 1950s
Barley Wine 1951
Barley Wine 1951
Bitter Ale 1920s
Bitter Ale 1920s
Bitter Ale 1930s
Bitter Ale 1930s
Brown Ale 1950s
Brown Ale 1950s
Brown Ale 1950s
Brown Ale 1950s
Brown Ale pre WW2
Brown Ale pre WW2
Brown Stout 1920s
Brown Stout 1920s
Brown Stout pre WW2
Brown Stout pre WW2
Brown Stout stopper
Brown Stout stopper
Christmas 1950s
Christmas 1950s
Cream Label Stout 1950s
Cream Label Stout 1950s
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