Magee, Marshall & Co Ltd

The company was founded by David Magee in 1853 and the Crown Brewery built in 1866.  The Grapes brewery and Horseshoe breweries of David Marshall were purchased in 1885. Registration followed in 1888. It became part of the Greenall Whitley group in 1959.

Keyword search

Bass red triangle; Bolton & Wigan
Bass red triangle; Bolton & Wigan
Crown Ale 1959
Crown Ale 1959
Crown Ale 1960s
Crown Ale 1960s
Crown Ale 1960s
Crown Ale 1960s
Crown Ale still in use 1950s
Crown Ale still in use 1950s
Extra Crown Ale 1910s
Extra Crown Ale 1910s
Gold Star Pale Ale 1950s
Gold Star Pale Ale 1950s
Gold Star Pale Ale 1950s
Gold Star Pale Ale 1950s
Guinness post 1936
Guinness post 1936
Guinness pre 1936
Guinness pre 1936
India Pale Ale still in use 1950s
India Pale Ale still in use 1950s
Invalid Stout 1900s
Invalid Stout 1900s
Invalid Stout 1910s
Invalid Stout 1910s
Invalid Stout stopper strap
Invalid Stout stopper strap
Light Ale 1930s onwards
Light Ale 1930s onwards
Adam Leese Design StudioWebsite by Adam Leese Design Studio